Monday, August 6, 2007

Alter Egos and Avatars

I had a lot of fun creating my avatar at, I can see why every Playstation, Gamecube and computer game my youngest nephew has gives the option to make your own wrestler, car, action hero, etc. Especially when you get to be "lord of all things" and choose all the characters, like in the Sims. . . .Then I saw Her Mind Disturbed Her's talking avatar from Sitepal and was (momentarily) jealous. But I know I'll be creating yet another account soon.

Pondering whether the main difference between a blog and a MySpace or other social network account is the listing of the friends and the posting of comments w/picture. It seems to me that it's equally easy to add content and change the layout.

1 comment:

Her mind disturbed her. said...

It was a lot of fun. I'm addicted to SitePal now.

Signed Click Clack Moo (pause my Playlist to hear it read while it's being signed)