Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Family trees and albums

Our last few genealogy group meetings have included things made with Flip Album, and other scrapbooking software, and photo collages. This got me to investigating a little more, and I found the Ohio Memory project's section where one can save images to a personal scrapbook, (which I did) and then, a FREE (one of my favorite words) site where I can create my own scrapbook with images I upload. My sister is the official family paper scrapbooker with the artistic flair, but I see real possibilities with the online versions.
Diverging a little here, I easily now have in the neighborhood of thirty different online accounts complete with passwords for various things . . . and the number increases daily!
To view my Ohio Memory images, go to:

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Signed Click Clack Moo (pause my Playlist to hear it read while it's being signed)