Saturday, March 3, 2007

R.S.S. (Real Simple Syndication)

The other day I got around to setting up an R.S.S. feed at It really is a convenient way to keep track of your favorite websites quickly; they are all right there in front of you at once. A little disappointed to find that a few comics I like don't have R.S.S. feeds yet, but guess I can still read them in the paper. Some of my choices are: Shifted Librarian, Wired, i-tunes top 25, and Slashdot. Will need to spend a little more time knowing today's top 25 i-tunes, a little embarrassed that I haven't even heard of most of them (but at least I've heard of the musicians.)

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Signed Click Clack Moo (pause my Playlist to hear it read while it's being signed)