Monday, September 17, 2007

Tourguides, anyone?

I think having a tourguide option on our website would make it warmer and easier for patrons to navigate, though I know some people detest this sort of thing. It could be optional, as many .com sites have it. Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego has a live, not animated version of this. Scenes always revert back to "the Chief" who speaks directly into the camera to the user; kids love it!

At, I created a few free talking animated characters, which I'd hoped to embed right here for you to see, but that feature of Sitepal is not available at the moment, and a link asks for my login info, so I guess you'll just have to go to and create your own (2 are free)
In case you've never heard of Carmen Sandiego, click here for more info:

1 comment:

nicks said...

Hey there!

i work for the company that makes Sitepal and thought we would turn you on to our new free consumer platform, Voki, which is a version for bloggers and social networkers, rather than small/ medium businesses.

check out, create an account and you can embed your new tourguide in your sidebar! email me at if you require any assistance -- have fun creating!

Signed Click Clack Moo (pause my Playlist to hear it read while it's being signed)