Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Text to Speech

I just signed up for a free account at odiogo.com that is supposed to convert my blog to speech. Any of you who know me personally know that I am interesed in accessibility issues, so I'm anxious to see if this works. I have played a bit with other text-to-speech tools, but this is the first one I've heard of where a blog can be converted. If you listen to this please post a comment so I'll know.


Barb M said...

I listened to it to and can't wait to try it also. I tried to sign up but got stymied at "url rss feed". I may have skipped ahead too fast. Really getting a lot out of your blog and also appreciate your comments.

Barbrarian said...

So where did the widget disappear to?

irishinch said...

thats pretty kool, if i do say so myself. i like the worholian f/x that u did wit yer pic

Signed Click Clack Moo (pause my Playlist to hear it read while it's being signed)